Today, on Valentine’s Day, we are launching the latest release of IRISNext: version 10.0!

A new major release of our Content Services Platform, with updates that make an impact in the areas of:

• User interface
• Workspaces
• Legal Archiving
• Cloud Scalability
• AI-service integration capabilities
• .. and more!

We’re excited to tell you more about the new possibilities with V10 and how to get more information on getting your hands on this latest release. Drop us a note and we’ll get in touch! ❤️

What is a Content Services Platform?

A Content Services Platform (CSP) is a comprehensive solution that enables organizations to efficiently manage, store, access, and collaborate on digital content across various channels and devices. Unlike traditional content management systems, CSPs offer a more flexible and scalable approach to content management, catering to the dynamic needs of modern businesses.

The three main benefits of adopting a Content Services Platform are:

  1. Streamlined Content Management: CSPs provide a centralized repository for all types of content, including documents, images, videos, and more. This centralized approach simplifies content management processes, allowing businesses to organize, categorize, and search for content more efficiently. With features such as version control and metadata tagging, CSPs ensure content integrity and accessibility, enhancing productivity and collaboration among teams.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration and Workflow Automation: CSPs facilitate seamless collaboration among employees, partners, and customers. Through workflow automation capabilities, businesses can automate repetitive tasks, such as content approval processes and document routing, thereby improving operational efficiency and reducing manual errors. Additionally, CSPs integrate with other business applications, enabling data exchange and interoperability across the organization’s ecosystem.
  3. Improved Compliance and Security: Compliance with industry regulations and data security standards is paramount for businesses handling sensitive information. CSPs offer robust security features, including encryption, access controls, and audit trails, to safeguard content from unauthorized access, data breaches, and compliance violations. By enforcing data governance policies and ensuring regulatory compliance, CSPs help mitigate risks associated with content management and maintain trust with stakeholders.

In summary, a Content Services Platform empowers businesses to effectively manage, collaborate on, and secure digital content, leading to improved productivity, collaboration, and compliance across the organization.

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